Own representation based on: Nagel, R., & Wimmer, R. (2014). Systemische Strategieentwicklung: Modelle und Instrumente für Berater und Entscheider. Schäffer-Poeschel, p. 348

Dramaturgy of a genotypic transformation
Genotypical transformations require a certain dramaturgy, which makes it possible to transform the status quo of the organization into the respective target state within a reasonable period of time, without lowering the existing performance in the meantime. S&P Consulting bases its approach on the following dramaturgy:
- Anchore the sense of urgency in the organization (“Sense of Urgency”)
In order to mobilize the necessary traction for the change process, it is essential to create awareness throughout the organization of the necessity of the upcoming change process – the so-called “Sense of Urgency”. All key players and also the workforce should be made aware of the need to turn the situation around. - Create a mutually accepted perspective for the future
A genotypical transformation costs the organization a great deal of energy, causes uncertainty, and harbors an enormous potential for unrest. It, therefore, needs a jointly accepted and attractive perspective for the future, for which it is worth taking on the coming efforts in the course of the transformation process. - Develop a detailed concept for the content, define the focal points of change and their chronological sequence, and develop a master plan.
Once the organization is aware of the need for change and a sustainable, attractive image of the future has been developed, the next step is to define the path to this goal in concrete terms. What are the relevant levers, what measures are required to get closer to the target image – and at what point in time are the measures initiated in each case? - Drive implementation, stabilize successes and make course corrections – change the change.
Nothing can ever be predicted with absolute certainty – which is why S&P Consulting designs change processes to be adaptive right from the start. The effectiveness of the measures introduced is consistently monitored and analyzed, successes are stabilized and anchored, and course corrections are initiated if necessary. In addition, organizational changes often place new demands on functionaries within the organization – effective interlinking of organizational development with personnel development is, therefore, an important lever for the success of the transformation process. - Evaluate the overall process, ensure cultural embedding, and increase the organization’s ability to learn
Once all the planned changes have been implemented, it is important to evaluate the overall process, learn from it, and ensure the cultural anchoring of the hard-won achievements and not return to the daily routine too soon – otherwise, there is a risk that the organization will fall back into old patterns. In addition, the newly established momentum of the operational processes must be tested for its effectiveness – not once, but continuously.
Further Information
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Frédéric SedlákSenior Consultant | HR Management
We are always at your service+49 4102 69 93 22
Ask for free informationf.sedlak@spconsulting.de

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