CURRENTA Strategy Process – Interview with Dr. Günter Hilken

Interview with Dr. Günter HilkenMember of the Supervisory Board of CURRENTA, former Chairman of the CURRENTA Executive Board (2011 – 2020) “With FOKUS and FOKUS+, we have completely redefined the concept of strategy.” CURRENTA, which originated as a spin-off of Bayer AG, decided to take the next step after a successful restructuring and optimization phase…


Ambidexterity – managing innovation and core business simultaneously

Organizations need to constantly renew and update their product and service portfolio. This is nothing new. What is new, however, is the speed at which this needs to happen – because digitalization, complex dynamics, and the increasing opacity of markets have greatly accelerated innovation cycles in recent years. Organizations are challenged to develop new and…

ECNU-S&P Research Center

New research contract for the ECNU-S&P Research Center

ECNU-S&P Research Center entrusted with expansion of research activities The ECNU-S&P Research Center has been commissioned with a new research project. In cooperation with the Journal of East China Normal University (Educational Sciences), our study on the expectations of Western companies regarding the professional qualifications of Chinese school and university graduates and their degree of…

Foresighted Organization


Interview mit Robert A. SedlákCEO S&P Consulting | Guest Professor at the ECNU, Shanghai “With the wrong radar system the iceberg cannot be detected early enough“ Since August 2018, S&P Consulting has been accompanying the Duisburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (DVV) in DVVision – the program for the future. Within the scope of DVVision, employees…

Virtual Events


Interview with Kim Charlotte Pfeffer and Laura HüerSenior Manager and Senior Consultant at S&P Consulting What to consider when planning and executing virtual events Employee meetings, industry meetings, management conferences, workshops – the coronavirus continues to prevent events like these from taking place in the usual manner. Considering the current developments, there will be no…

Customer Orientation


LIVING CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Customer orientation includes the regular, systematic recording and analysis of customer wishes, needs, and expectations as well as their implementation. How does a company succeed in becoming more customer-oriented? How can service orientation be put into daily practice? If we succeed in practicing customer orientation both towards external stakeholders and towards internal…

Culture as a success factor

Corporate culture: an underestimated success factor

Corporate culture: Here’s why it’s so significant and influential Consulting on corporate culture is often considered unnecessary. Yet corporate culture has a significant impact on the way employees act within teams – affecting directly the performance of the organization as a whole, both in positive and negative ways. Learn which aspects are particularly important for…