2020 was a year like no other. In January, only a few of us had any idea what the next few months would be like. From one day to the next, almost everything was different from what we were used to, and events came thick and fast. Within a very short time, the Corona pandemic had us firmly in its grip.

At S&P, this meant in the spring: from now on, only mobile offices, hardly any presence on company premises, virtually no more business trips. Since mobile working was already part of our corporate culture before the pandemic, we were able to implement the necessary changes at the customer’s site overnight. Whereas previously about 60 percent of our work took place on-site at the customer, with the first lockdown we had to plan, design, execute, and follow-up on nearly 100 percent of our work remotely. This was a change we could not have imagined before the pandemic.

In this combination, the trusting relationship with our clients and their high level of flexibility and adaptability, the S&P team’s proficiency with the digital tools, and the forward-thinking investments in our IT have enabled us to continue with all ongoing projects in full swing.

The implementation of our strict Corona Policy, as well as the disciplined execution by all S&P employees, protected us from infection during the 2020 pandemic, for which we are very grateful.

We look back on a year in which many things were different – and yet much was achieved.

Advising the management in the context of strategy implementation at one of the most important chemical parks in Europe

  • Advising the CEO on the implementation of the strategic levers from the 2016 Strategy Review
  • Meta-reflection of organizational phenomena in the change process
  • Evaluation of the transformation process that took place in the years 2012 – 2019
  • Consulting and support in the context of an M&A process

Consulting on the development of organizational adaptability (foresighted self-renewal) at a multi-service group in the areas of utilities, mobility, IT & telecommunications and municipal services

  • Rollout of the transformation process in a further business unit as well as an associated company for local public transport
  • Continuous advice and support for the Board of Management throughout the process
  • Overarching coordination of the entire process and networking of the activities via the steering team/program management
  • Ensuring the necessary networking and coordination of the committees and teams via the project office
  • Regular reporting on the progress of the transformation process on the Group’s intranet
  • Communicative support for the transformation process via interdisciplinary editorial teams
  • Communication of regular status updates to the management team as part of major virtual events
  • Development and implementation of a Group-wide job designation procedure for the optimal filling of management and key positions, as well as continuous further development of the procedure
  • Planning and support of selection and qualification processes as part of organizational realignments
  • Establishment of a performance potential concept
  • Development of HR concepts as part of the transformation process
  • Establishment of the “Key for the Future” concept with all three tools to identify and close internal and external performance gaps and strengthen service orientation in the Group

Foresighted self-renewal

  • Preparation of market-related development incl. anticipation of scenarios to concretize strategic options for the Group
  • A paradigm shift in collaboration and harnessing of system intelligence to develop three strategic options for each of the Group-relevant topics identified in 2019 by cross-divisional and cross-hierarchical working teams
  • Communitization of the strategic positioning on all Group-relevant topics by management / the Executive Board in a structured selection process
  • Communication of the strategic positioning in compact digital dialog events to all executives on each of the 17 Group-relevant topics and subsequently to the Group’s workforce
  • Sustainable change in attitude among the more than 150 employees involved with regard to strategic thinking and action through joint work on the topics

Establishment of company development

In order to deal with the wide range of future issues in a timely, structured, and professional manner, the Corporate Development department was established with the participation of managers and employees.

  • Development of the target image for the new corporate development.
  • Description of the range of services offered by the new staff department
  • Development and establishment of a suitable organizational structure including personnel resources in the start and target configuration
  • Establishment of a digital monitoring system to check the effectiveness of the company development
  • Establishment of two routines to generate innovation and sustainable implementation of group-wide projects
  • Support of a personnel assessment process for optimal staffing at the management level for the new organizational unit, including the creation of function descriptions as well as requirement profiles and evaluation of the introduced online assessments
  • Transfer and establishment of a working structure for the further processing of Group-relevant topics within the framework of corporate development
  • Development of a process for prioritizing Group-wide topics
  • Conception of two forums to ensure the implementation of Group-relevant topics and to receive strategically important impulses from politics, society, and business

Business division Market

  • Implementation of an efficient organizational design
  • Testing of key business processes against the new organizational structure, as well as redefinition and clear clarification of responsibility and task assignments
  • Review of existing regular communication and development of supplementary communication and decision-making routines to ensure that the business unit is able to function properly

Development of a central Group sales unit

  • Preparation of the organizations (five Group companies) for the centralization of sales activities in a central sales unit
    • Development of a common target picture with a clear change of perspective | Away from individual earnings targets of the individual companies, towards a common focus on Group earnings
    • Development of a process architecture for coordinated and joint implementation of the target picture
    • Design of topic-specific work structures with flexible virtual settings that encourage cross-functional/cross-company collaboration, promote mutual understanding in the future interaction (target image), and gradually dissolve silo thinking
  • Development and implementation of a “transitional organization” (a specific combination of cooperation between several Group companies) in order to achieve significant results even before the implementation of the target image
  • Development and implementation of a concept for the further development of the companies involved and competence development of the workforce, oriented to the target picture

Cross-functional Human Resources in the Group:

  • Development of a future vision for the cross-sectional function Human Resources with the aim of strengthening the relationship of the departments and companies as well as the orientation of Human Resources towards professionalized demand-oriented overall solutions.
  • Development of an overall organizational structure incl. description of responsibility, participation, implementation and information per task for the organizational units incl. option development to establish a sound decision-making capability in the management/board of directors
  • Planning of the necessary capacities for the implementation of the target image in the new organizational structure
  • Implementation and management of a personnel assessment process for optimal staffing of management and key functions incl. creation of function descriptions and requirement profiles and evaluation of the online assessment introduced
  • Planning the deployment of human resources (transformation balance sheet) with a view to the new organizational structure

Company for local public transport

  • Analysis of the organizational characteristics of the associated public transport company
    • Conducting a survey to determine the organizational characteristics
    • Planning and conducting individual interviews to determine the initial situation and validate the organizational characteristics
    • Evaluation of the results and development of a situation description based on the qualitative and quantitative data collection as well as preparation of a results report
  • Derivation of the Sense of Urgency with the executives as well as subsequent communitization down to the employee level
  • Development of a future image and the desired identity as well as future service packages
  • Development of variants for the overall organizational structure (organizational models) based on the identified value streams and including system intelligence
  • Decision on the future organizational structure by the Executive Board

Business division IT

  • Analysis of the organizational characteristics of the business unit
  • Conducting an online survey to determine the organizational characteristics
  • Planning and conducting individual interviews to determine the initial situation and validate the organizational characteristics
  • Evaluation of the results and development of a situation description based on the qualitative and quantitative data collection as well as preparation of a results report
  • Derivation of the Sense of Urgency with the executives as well as subsequent communalization down to the employee level
  • Development of a strategic finding
  • Conception and execution of an outside-in customer analysis with a focus on customer benefit expectations and business relationship requirements
  • Development of a market segmentation including evaluation of potentials and market attractiveness
  • Identification of core competencies via a three-stage process with the participation of the entire workforce
  • Professional process for developing differentiated options for strategic positioning and future orientation, in particular with regard to the relevant markets, customer groups (political stakeholders, internal Group customers, business and private customers), and the respective value propositions

Implementation of the reorganization in a purchasing and marketing network for medium-sized trading companies

  • Advising and supporting the CEO and the overall management team in the transformation process and in dealing with the Corona pandemic.
  • Regular reflection on interventions within the transformation process as well as on their effects and results and derivation of key learnings
  • Accompanying all relevant decision-making processes and corresponding management meetings as part of the transformation process
  • Designing and supporting the implementation of tailored and coordinated formats with executives and team leaders as essential platforms for working with and on the leadership system
  • Recognizing and addressing corrosive forces and initiating targeted countermeasures
  • Design of a remote format to ensure networking within the group in order to deal with the challenging situation of the Corona crisis and to safeguard corporate performance, as well as preparation, moderation, and documentation of the virtual events
  • Consulting on all topics relevant to the company in the context of the ongoing transformation process
  • Establishment of the initial configuration in the defined functional areas and generation of the first recognizable effects in the direction of the market
  • Anchoring of changed task identities and work/cooperation relationships of the functional areas
  • Establishment and anchoring as well as partial regression of communication and decision-making routines as an essential basis for the effectiveness of the reorganization and for the anchoring of cooperative collaboration
  • Design of processes for the orderly handover and assumption of responsibilities by the line/organization
  • Establishment and anchoring of the new organizational design in IT
  • Concretization of the service portfolio for suppliers and members (strengthening of market performance based on the new structure, optimized processes, and systems)
  • Development of a supplier segmentation based on behavior and needs
  • Preparation and consulting of all HR topics and decisions relevant to the company
  • Further development of the entire process architecture to anchor the new organization
  • Overarching project organization and ensuring efficient and effective project management and implementation
  • Internal communication support for the transformation process, including at management events and on the communication and learning platform
  • Conception and development of tailored explanatory videos to accompany internal and external communication within the scope of the transformation process
  • Consulting and support for external communications on the transformation process
  • Consulting and support for internal and external CEO/management communications
  • Consulting of the program management in the steering of the transformation process
  • Communication support (internal/external) for developments and activities in the context of the Corona pandemic, as well as consulting on the development of a corporate Corona policy


Advising the management in the context of strategy implementation at one of the most important chemical parks in Europe

  • Advising the management on the implementation of the strategic levers from the strategy review 2016
  • Meta-reflection of organizational phenomena in the change process
  • Design of appropriate interventions and monitoring of associated impacts
  • Implementation and evaluation of effectiveness monitoring

Consulting on the development of organizational adaptability (foresighted self-renewal) for a multi-service group in the areas of utilities, mobility, IT & telecommunications and municipal services

  • Process architecture for the collection of topics relevant to the Group and the development of options for the Group’s strategic positioning
  • Communication support for the transformation process via interdisciplinary editorial teams and integration of the communication platform for the change process into the Group’s newly established social intranet
  • Launch of the “Keys for the Future” program to identify performance gaps throughout the Group

Business division:

  • Conception and execution of an outside analysis as well as the derivation of value propositions and development of offering packages for different customer segments
  • Development of a strategy map incl. integration of measures for the implementation of the vision of the future, taking into account recommendations for action from previous projects of the business unit
  • Definition and alignment of the requirements / task areas of the business unit as well as the individual departments
  • Development of variants for the overall organizational structure as well as concretization of the final organizational structure with regard to team structures, task descriptions and identities and the departments and teams as well as a clear assignment of tasks and responsibilities
  • Development and implementation of intra-departmental and group-wide interface routines
  • Empowerment of employees and managers (implementation of sounding boards)
  • Design, consulting, and support of a personnel assessment process for optimal staffing at management level for the new department structure, including creation of function descriptions and requirement profiles and evaluation of the implemented online assessments

Cross-sectional function in the Group:

  • Identification of current and future requirements
  • Determination of future performance parameters, taking into account stakeholders and trend developments
  • Determination of the core competencies of the cross-sectional function
  • Transfer of the performance parameters into a question-answer structure to determine threshold levels and differentiation potentials
  • Setting up a survey for internal customers as well as providing administration and technical support during the project period
  • Evaluation and preparation of the result data sets incl. identification of performance gaps
  • Derivation of key challenges and validation of core competencies
  • Development of target group-specific offering packages taking into account the customer survey results
  • Concretization of key strategic challenges and associated core questions
  • Prioritized action areas and catalog for immediate measures to generate quick wins, commitment and implementation planning for immediate measures
  • Establishment of an effectiveness monitoring system

Designing corporate development:

  • Elaboration of a process architecture for the development and establishment of a new function “Group-wide corporate development” with broad participation of the specialist departments
  • Establishment of a core team and start of the process
  • Description of the identity (objectives, framework, requirements, role in the Group)

Implementation of the reorganization in a purchasing and marketing network for medium-sized trading companies

  • Establishment of communication and decision-making routines as an essential basis for the effectiveness of the reorganization and for anchoring cooperative collaboration
  • Anchoring the task identity and working relationships of the relevant functional areas within the framework of the reorganization
  • Design and support of a program to improve results and reduce costs
  • Development of a customer-relevant and economical e-commerce model
  • Preparation and consulting of all HR topics and decisions relevant to the transformation process
  • Overarching project organization and ensuring efficient and effective project management and implementation
  • Communication support for the transformation process, such as at management events and on the communication and learning platform
  • Consulting and support of external communication on the transformation process
  • Advising program management on steering the transformation process
  • Advising and supporting the CEO and the overall management in the transformation process

Providing impetus for a strategy process at one of the largest car dealers in northern Bavaria

  • Providing important impulses to describe the initial situation and develop hypotheses for the future
  • Identifying relevant developments and deriving fields of action and communitization of existing challenges
  • Planning, implementation, and follow-up of a workshop with the advisory board and the management board
  • Formulating recommendations for the development of a future vision taking into account the disruptive developments in the automotive market

Concept planning for the relocation of workshops and warehouses of a public utility company

  • Detailed survey of the actual and target values for the warehouse and workshop areas distributed across various locations
  • Development of block layouts for the centralization of warehouse and workshop areas
  • Evaluation of technical options for optimizing warehouse processes

Planning and implementation of an innovative customer segmentation of the specialized trade for a leading medium-sized and family-run manufacturer of medical aids

  • Evaluation of the results from 2018
  • Development of a customer segmentation based on behavior and needs
  • Determination of minimum expectations/threshold levels and value creation potentials per performance parameter for each customer segment
  • Development of a questionnaire for the assignment of customers of the different customer segments


Consulting on the development of organizational adaptability ( foresighted self-renewal) for a multi-service group in the areas of utilities, mobility, IT & telecommunication and municipal services

  • Analysis of the organizational characteristics in a business unit and in an important cross-sectional function of the Group
  • Conducting an online survey to determine the organizational characteristics of the business unit and the cross-divisional function
  • Planning and conducting individual interviews to determine the initial situation and validate the organizational characteristics
  • Evaluation of the results and development of a situation description based on the qualitative and quantitative data collection as well as preparation of a results report
  • Derivation of the Sense of Urgency with the executives of the business unit and the cross-sectional function as well as subsequent communitization down to the employee level
  • Conducting a leadership retreat with the goal of communitizing the Sense of Urgency for a corporate development process and raising awareness for their own respective contributions
  • Development of a customized intervention and learning architecture
  • Establishment of a committee structure to steer the transformation process, including the necessary communication and decision-making routines outside the line organization
  • Development, installation and administration of a communication platform to involve all employees of the Group in the change process
  • Group-wide communication about the program and its objectives, with a particular focus on the first two areas and top management
  • Finding a name for the program with the involvement of employees
  • Advising the Executive Board and the various management teams in the Group

Ongoing strategy and organizational development process including development of the reorganization for a purchasing and marketing network for medium-sized retail companies

  • Definition and joint development of hypotheses for reorganization as a basis for the development of organizational variants oriented to the strategic vision of the future
  • Development of variants for the organization design incl. description of tasks, responsibilities and interfaces of relevant functions under inclusion of the system intelligence (internal + external)
  • Concretization and elaboration of the overall recommendation for an organization design under consideration of essential business processes
  • Development of communication and decision routines within the reorganization
  • Accompaniment of the decision-making process for the final organizational design incl. organizational chart
  • Effective implementation of the new management structure including management development in logistics
  • Conception of the value propositions for the member segments as well as the development of the future service portfolio and support concept taking into account the segmentation
  • Development of options for the e-commerce strategy
  • Development and implementation of measures to stabilize day-to-day business and eliminate deficits, as well as design and support of the learning architecture for business process optimization and further development of the future image elements
  • Development and implementation of (immediate) measures to eliminate deficits in the core business incl. quick wins
  • Consulting on all relevant HR topics and decisions for the transformation process
  • Establishment of new routines in the context of staffing and potential assessment of candidates (internal and external) as well as concretization of job profiles
  • Advice on the adequate filling of key positions in the reorganization process
  • Conceptual preparation of a program to improve results and reduce costs
  • Communicative support of the transformation process in management events as well as setting up interdisciplinary editorial teams for the communicative support of the transformation process via the learning and communication platform
  • Consulting and support for external communication on the transformation process
  • Accompanying process control through regular reflection and feedback loops at management level and consistent decision controlling
  • Advising program management on steering the transformation process
  • Advising and supporting the CEO and the overall management in the transformation process

Planning and implementation of innovative customer segmentation of the specialist pharmacy trade for a leading medium-sized and family-run manufacturer of medical aids

  • Determination of the relevant market segments
  • Determination of behavior and need-based differentiation criteria for customer segmentation
  • Design of relevant performance parameters for product portfolio, time, price, quality, relationship, service and brand
  • Transfer of the developed performance parameters and differentiation criteria into a question/answer structure that enables behavior and needs-oriented customer segmentation and the generation of threshold benefits and differentiation potentials (key customer values)
  • Development of the online platform for customer surveys; maintenance and support of the online survey
  • Operation of the online platform on own, secured servers
  • Evaluation of the results

Market and brand positioning for a company in the chemical industry

  • Development of specific value propositions for different customer groups and derivation of customer segmentation
  • Transfer of the work results into a strategy map and creation of a portfolio of measures as a basis for the implementation of strategic initiatives

Consulting and support of a strategy process at one of the leading VW dealerships

  • Generation of several strategic development possibilities (strategic options) based on the results from 2016 – 2017
  • Concretization and economic evaluation of the prioritized drafts by option teams incl. support of the teams within the scope of web meetings
  • Reflection of the elaborated options with broad participation of key players
  • Development of a strategic positioning and finalization of an attractive and sustainable future vision for the Group
  • Development of the strategy map and strategic initiatives to implement the future vision
  • Advising on the preparation for the presentation of the new vision of the future and the handover of the keys at a festive event
  • Monitoring the response of the workforce following the handover of management to the next generation and the presentation of the vision of the future

Concept planning for the relocation of workshops and warehouses of a public utility company

  • Survey of the status quo of the warehouse and workshop areas in preparation for further planning processes
  • Conducting a workshop to survey the actual and target values of the warehouse and workshop areas

Advising the management in the context of strategy implementation at one of the most important chemical parks in Europe

  • Advising the management on the implementation of the strategic levers from the strategy review 2016
  • Meta-reflection of organizational phenomena in the change process
  • Design of appropriate interventions and monitoring of associated impacts
  • Implementation and evaluation of effectiveness monitoring


Management development in the context of a change process with blended learning in the energy industry

  • Support and further development of a learning management system
  • Development, production and publication of communication simulations for the reflection of customer-specific, everyday management situations, incl. comments by the coach and perspectives of the managers and the employees involved
  • Implementation of effectiveness monitoring
  • Establishment of learning architecture to interlink leadership development with organizational development goals

Advising the management in the context of strategy implementation at one of the most important chemical parks in Europe

  • Advising the management on the implementation of the strategic levers from the strategy review 2016
  • Meta-reflection of organizational phenomena in the change process
  • Design of appropriate interventions and monitoring of associated impacts
  • Implementation and evaluation of effectiveness monitoring

Strategy and organizational development process for a purchasing and marketing network for medium-sized retail companies

  • Evaluation of all generated data (quantitative/qualitative) of the broad-based market, competition and stakeholder analysis and based on this, development of a behavior and needs-oriented member segmentation as well as elaboration and description of the segment characterization
  • Consulting and support of a company-wide strategy process and support of the learning architecture with appropriate interventions
  • Validation of core competencies and market assessment
  • Consulting and support in the development and concretization of strategic business model options, taking system intelligence into account, as part of a company-wide process as a collaborative management effort
  • Advice on the development of a viable image of the future for the group of companies
  • Expansion and implementation of measures to stabilize day-to-day business and eliminate deficits, as well as design and support of the learning architecture for business process optimization
  • Further development of the core business in work packages oriented to the new vision of the future
  • Elaboration and implementation of (immediate) measures to eliminate deficits in the core business incl. quick wins
  • Planning of a process architecture for the development of an e-commerce strategy
  • Development of a new understanding of leadership
  • Consulting on all relevant HR topics and decisions for the transformation process
  • Regular networking in and with the management levels for integration into the overall process and use of system intelligence
  • Accompanying process control through regular reflection and feedback loops at management level and consistent decision controlling
  • Communicative support of the transformation process in management events and establishment of interdisciplinary editorial teams for communicative support of the transformation process via the learning and communication platform
  • Consulting and support for external communications on the transformation process
  • Development of a process architecture for the elaboration of a precisely fitting reorganization on the basis of the vision of the future
  • Advising the program management in steering the transformation process
  • Advising and supporting the CEO and the overall management in the transformation process

Market and customer analysis for a global, listed technology group for the market in China

  • Completion of the project with the development of specific value propositions for different customer groups and a strategy map to achieve the goals associated with customer segmentation

Planning and implementation of an innovative customer segmentation of the specialized trade for medical supply stores for a leading medium-sized and family-run manufacturer of medical aids

  • Determination of the relevant market segments
  • Definition of behavioral and needs-based differentiation criteria for customer segmentation
  • Design of relevant performance parameters for product portfolio, time, price, quality, relationship, service and brand
  • Transfer of the developed performance parameters and differentiation criteria into a question/answer structure that enables behavior and needs-oriented customer segmentation and the generation of threshold benefits and differentiation potentials (key customer values)
  • Development of the online platform for customer surveys; maintenance and support of the online survey
  • Operation of the online platform on own, secured servers
  • Evaluation of the results
  • Development of behavior and needs-oriented customer segmentation
  • Determination of minimum expectations/threshold levels and value creation potentials per service parameter for each customer segment

Consulting and support of a worldwide organizational development process for one of the leading international consultancies in the fields of supply chain and engineering services in logistics and production

  • Development and support of a German Road Show
  • Support and consulting for the sub-project on the bonus system
  • Development and implementation of an internal application platform for executives and change managers to support the internationalization strategy
  • Consulting for personnel selection MD Colombia

Consulting for the implementation of a market, competition and customer analysis of a company in the chemical industry

  • Conducting and evaluating an online customer survey to analyze minimum expectations and differentiation potential for customer groups, taking into account the developed analysis criteria
  • Development of a market assessment through desk research and further expert interviews
  • Identification of the core competencies for the elaboration of the strategic market and brand positioning
  • Definition of target markets, market strategies and target customer segments for the elaboration of a strategic market positioning and a clear brand positioning

Supporting a generation change and advising on the development of a strategic positioning for one of the leading VW dealerships

  • Planning and execution of a strategy development process
  • Interviews with experts from the automotive industry as well as experts from other industries to generate impulses for the strategy process
  • Elaboration and description of core competencies
  • Elaboration of the essential strategic challenges incl. concretization of the strategic core questions
  • Impulse workshop with experts from the automotive industry and from tourism incl. “digestion workshop” for evaluating the impulses
  • Preparation of the development of options on the basis of the strategic findings


Accompaniment of a cultural change and the organizational anchoring of a new management culture at an energy supply company

  • Development of a learning architecture for interlinking management development with organizational development objectives
  • Establishment, implementation and administration of a learning and communication platform for leadership development
  • Design and production of a video simulation on the topic of “feedback/feedforward”

Accompaniment of the strategy development of a medium-sized family business in the food industry and food trade

  • Supporting strategy development and advising on the concretization of strategic objectives
  • Development of a strategy map with the key levers for achieving defined goals
  • Development and implementation of strategic initiatives within the framework of the key action areas of the strategy map
  • Development of a reorganization taking into account the strategic goals
  • Support controlling
  • Development of observation and measurement factors for effectiveness and measures monitoring for strategy implementation
  • Controlling of strategy implementation and establishment of effectiveness monitoring
  • Consulting on corporate management, product development and strengthening of structures for product innovation
  • Introduction of Kaizen in food production
  • Consulting in the development of personnel for strategy implementation (B2B, retail)

Conception, planning, and implementation of a leadership workshop for a well-known German brewery group

  • Conception and implementation of a leadership workshop on the topic of “Organization and Decisions”

Supervision of a blended learning program for teacher development in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

  • Extension of the learning platform for the operation of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® with specific applications for lecturers and tutors
  • Creation and distribution of the learning platform “Family” with simulations from everyday family life for pedagogical and family therapeutic processing
  • Administration of a learning platform for video-based teacher development in Germany, Austria and Switzerland – embedded in a blended learning design

Strategy implementation and establishment of a strategic customer management in a chemical park

  • Executive Coaching
  • Corporate Development
  • Strategy Review
  • Strategy accompanying communication
  • Hypercare (aftercare) Strategy Review
  • Establishment of customer management process via focus topics program 2016
  • Professionalization of corporate development as internal consulting

Support of a company merger in the field of medical research

  • Executive Coaching
  • Corporate development
  • Preparation and implementation of validation meetings
  • Development of a conflict resolution process
  • Elaboration of decision and communication routines for committees and communication routines
  • Development of an implementation concept
  • Process support of the implementation

Support for the strategic positioning of a purchasing and marketing network for medium-sized retail companies

  • Analysis of the organizational characteristics
  • Consulting and support of the management during a strategy review
  • Development, installation and administration of a communication and learning platform to involve the employee base in the change process
  • Development, implementation and support of decision-making and communication routines for change management (change structures)
  • Preparation and implementation of a broad stakeholder survey as part of a market, competition and customer analysis

Accompaniment of a market and customer analysis of a manufacturer of medical aids

  • Conducting an online survey with key customer groups
  • Evaluation of the collected data, incl. development of a needs-oriented customer segmentation for the participating groups
  • Workshop to process the findings from the customer survey and optimize the survey and analysis structure for further customer groups

Customer surveys for an IT service provider

  • Conducting a market analysis based on the data collected from existing customers in order to identify deviating requirements from potential customers
  • Planning, execution and evaluation of an existing customer survey to determine requirements, potentials and fulfillment levels, incl. comparison with existing data and derivation of recommendations for action

Development of a competency model and an online feedback system for a leading international personnel consulting and recruiting company

  • Development of a leadership competence model and an online feedback system for leadership development

Support of the internationalization strategy of a consulting company for logistics and engineering services

  • Conception and implementation of an Annual Meeting on the topic of “People Development”

Consulting on customer segmentation for a financial services provider with a focus on real estate leasing

  • Process for determining minimum expectations and potentials for customer segmentation in the logistics sector
  • Concretization of relevant performance parameters
  • Preparation and execution of customer analysis in the logistics sector
  • Discussion and processing of results

Extension of a competitive analysis for a trading company in the construction supply industry

  • Adaptation and specification of the segmentation
  • Finalization of the segmentation and development of 2-3 value propositions
  • Execution of the customer analysis for threshold benefit and potential determination as well as for customer segmentation for the whole of Spain
  • Development and prioritization of the value propositions as well as action planning

Planning and execution of a competition and customer analysis for a crystal glass manufacturer

  • Conducting and evaluating an online customer survey to analyze minimum expectations and differentiation potential for customer groups
  • Customer segmentation based on the surveyed customer expectations and development of specific value propositions for different customer groups
  • Translation of the work results into the strategy map and creation of a portfolio of measures as a basis for prioritization
  • Review and testing of the derived measures in the individual areas of responsibility
  • Consolidation of the results and updating of the strategy map and the portfolio of measures
  • Final discussion and agreement of the value propositions, strategy map, portfolio of measures and link to the 2020 strategy map

Market and customer analysis for the Chinese subsidiary of an international technology group with focus on photonics

  • Market and customer analysis for speed and traffic monitoring in China
  • Specification of the target groups in the markets to be investigated in China as well as the investigation criteria for the analysis
  • Preparation and implementation of a market and customer survey in the area of traffic and speed monitoring in China

Accompaniment of a generation change and a strategic positioning of an automobile dealer group

  • Conception and design of the strategy development process
  • Preparation of a qualitative and quantitative analysis Expectations and requirements of important stakeholder groups for the automotive dealer group
  • Conducting and evaluating stakeholder interviews and online customer survey
  • Development and revision of the management structure of the group of companies

Materials technology and recycling group

  • Implementation of an executive workshop for potential and performance identification


Change Management in the Automotive Supply Industry

  • Design of a global multiday plant manager conference for the further development of the worldwide production networks, in particular for the development of a common view on the market situation, competitiveness and core competences
  • Consulting of the CEO
  • Project preparation for a global value stream mapping and for the identification of customer and market potentials around the world

Establishment of a Learning Architecture for an Interlinked Organizational and Personnel Development

  • Establishment of a specific learning platform for the personnel development to support the strategic organizational development under media-didactic aspects
  • Provision of digital learning content for involved managers based on the concrete challenges of the organization
  • Integration of a web-based learning platform into a holistic blended learning design
  • Development of a team for a continuous monitoring and agreed-upon adjustment of the learning process to ensure a long-term efficient and effective interlocking of personnel and organizational development processes

Functional and Optical Revision of a Learning Platform for Teachers and Families

  • Reflection on the second project phase of the blended learning concept for the further development of teachers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
  • Revision of the competence model for the training and further development of teachers, including evaluation of the competence levels and terms based on the reflection
  • Implantation of the reviewed competence model into the assessment system of the training tool PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® and the accompanying software for process support, including the integration of adjusted coach comments
  • Further development of specific learning platforms for teachers and families for the provision and use of video-based simulation software tool, including a special usage area for process facilitators and seminar participants, irrespective of time, location and device on the secure servers of S&P Consulting
  • Administration and technical support of the server and platforms, including role administration and authorization management

Competitive Analysis in Construction Material Supply Industry

  • Execution and evaluation of a dynamic competitive analysis
  • Derivation of strategic steps to ensure and improve the competitive position
  • Update of the Strategy Map

Strategy Implementation and Customer Analysis for a Chemical Park

  • Planning, implementation and evaluation of a customer analysis for the identification of minimal expectations, potential for differentiation and future challenges of the key customer groups
  • Review and update of the customer segmentation
  • Further establishment of a company-wide customer management process to recognize market and customer development as well as own performance potential
  • Implementation of the findings into specific Value Propositions and initiation of the implementation through the performance-providing units including all responsibilities, interfaces and appropriate coordination and decision routines
  • Identification of customer-relevant key topics to optimize tailored Value Propositions
  • Further establishment of a management team
  • Development and coordination of a process architecture for the strategy review process 2016
  • Empowerment of the internal corporate development in the form of a learning architecture for a successful independent workshop implementation as part of the strategy review
  • Consulting of the management and the head of the corporate development

Market Analysis and Innovative Customer Segmentation in the Area of Medical Technology

  • Review and update of market segmentation and evaluation of the market segments regarding volume, growth, profitability and competitiveness
  • Preparation of a customer and stakeholder analysis to identify threshold levels and the potential for differentiation of target groups

Customer Survey for an IT Service Provider

  • Planning, execution and evaluation of a customer survey to identify requirements, potentials, and the degree of fulfillment
  • Preparation of market analysis to identify requirements, value creating potentials and entry prerequisites of potential customers

Global Customer Analysis for a Testing and Certification Institute

  • Planning, implementation and evaluation of a global customer analysis (in 18 countries and 14 languages) to identify requirements, potentials and satisfaction of current (and potential) customers
  • Development of a global, transnational and inter-sectoral customer segmentation
  • Development of tailored Value Propositions for strategically relevant customer segments
  • Comparison of resulting requirements from the Value Propositions with current offerings and derivation of needs for action


Consulting and accompaniment of the strategy implementation for a chemical park

  • Consulting regarding the development and execution of the monitoring for the strategy implementation
  • Development of an integrative and foresighted monitoring concept on the levels of measure implementation, effect, process and target achievement
  • Consulting and empowerment of the internal corporate development with regards to the implementation and the related communication and decision processes
  • Development and implementation of an organizational routine for a regular strategy review
  • Update and summary of all existing strategy documents as a reference for the strategy review
  • Development and adjustment of the process architecture for the strategy review process
  • Description of all working steps in the strategy review process (preparation of a strategy handbook)
  • Preparation of all documents (slides / templates) for the execution of the strategy review
  • Empowerment of the internal corporate development for the execution of the strategy review process
  • Implementation of the central function “Strategic Customer Management”
  • Development of a new working routine for the interface between customer management and business departments to optimize the value propositions
  • Introduction of the new working routine through implementation workshops; Start of a genotypic change process
  • Establishment of a steering team
  • Identification of customer-relevant key topics to optimize the tailored value propositions

Consulting and accompaniment of a medium-sized family enterprise within the scope of a generation change from the 2. to the 3. generation with four families

  • Identification of the different interests
  • Consulting and accompaniment of the family Charter for each family
  • Clarification of the similarities and differences
  • Development of drafts for different solutions for the future of the company
  • Development and evaluation of options (joint continuation, separation, buy-out, external sell)
  • Maintenance of the willingness to communicate by overcoming the current cross-generational conflicts and existing conflicts of values between the families
  • Development of a process architecture in order to find the best solution for all families and the company
  • Mediation until agreement on shareholder level

Planning and consulting of the customer segmentation as well as the strategic positioning in the chemical industry

  • Preparation and execution of an online customer survey to validate the developed customer segmentation and the key customer values of each customer segment
  • Concretization of the target value propositions for the customer segments
  • Determination of the target-actual-difference for achieving the target value propositions
  • Development of a Strategy Map for the strategy implementation and target achievement
  • Continuous coaching of the project team
  • Consulting of the owner

Strategy Implementation

  • Alignment of the future vision
  • Reflection on the organization’s DNA and deduction of requirements for the future organization
  • Concretization of the leadership and communication structure
  • Function descriptions
  • Reflection of the vision
  • Development of the Strategy Map
  • Concretization of the strategic initiatives
  • Presentation to and reflection with the CEO
  • Planning of measures
  • Development of measure and efficacy monitoring
  • Description of the goals for all levers in the Strategy Map
  • Reflection of the vision
  • Evaluation of the reflection of the vision and the organization’s DNA
  • Presentation to and reflection with the CEO
  • Concretization of function descriptions
  • Concretization of the leadership and communication structure
  • Planning of measures for implementing the strategic levers
  • Workshop for the planning of the measures
  • Meeting with General Manager Region North
  • Approval of communication and meeting structure
  • Agreement on the priorities of the different strategic initiatives and transfer into a central action plan

Strategy development in chemical distribution

  • Europe-wide online-based customer segmentation and demand assessment with involvement of approx. 1,200 customers in 14 countries and 12 market segments
  • Europe-wide market and competition analysis for 14 countries and 12 market segments
  • Definition of the focus industry, the strategic direction for the countries as well as for the focus customer segments for realizing the growth targets
  • Development of a Strategy Map with a clear definition of growth targets, market position as well as the relevant implementation levers
  • Definition of the offering packages for the key customer segments
  • Evaluation and adjustment of the organizational structure
  • Potential and competences evaluation of key players within the organizational adjustments
  • Development of an implementation and change management concept with several, coordinated strategic initiatives
  • Empowerment of the people responsible for the initiatives
  • Development of indicators for a foresighted efficacy monitoring
  • Training of facilitators and establishment of a change network
  • Consulting for the planning and execution of the whole implementation accompanying internal communication
  • Consulting of the management board as well as the responsible change managers

Process consulting and coaching for the internal business development of a public utility within the scope of a strategy process

  • Consulting of the development of Strategy Maps for all in the strategy process participating business departments
  • Continuous check and supervision of the working results

Executive coaching of a top manager

  • Consulting and executive coaching of a top manager in the HR department
  • Development of options for the own future positioning within the corporate group

Management trainings “Positive Power Influence” for a company in the industrial chemistry

  • Qualification of management and key players in order to increase the communication competencies for difficult communication situations, especially regarding situations in which taking influence plays a special role

Planning and consulting of a strategy process in the construction supply industry

  • Review and update of the strategic starting position and the related chances, threats and challenges
  • Verification of the core competencies
  • Preparation, execution and evaluation of an online customer survey with participation of approx. 20,000 customers for the validation of the developed customer segmentation as well as the key customer values of each customer segment
  • Concretization of the value propositions for the key customer segments
  • Determination of the target-actual-difference for achieving the value propositions
  • Development of a Strategy Map for the strategy implementation and target achievement

Consulting and accompaniment of the decision making for a new ERP system software as well as of the implementation in a medium-sized family enterprise

  • Interviews with key players in the HQ and branch offices for identifying the status quo with current sensitivities
  • Evaluation of the insights, summary of impressions and recommendations regarding the following procedure for the management
  • Development of a requirement profile for the ERP software, for the provider as well as for the implementation partner

Consulting a corporation in the area of filtration systems regarding customer segmentation and the strategic market positioning

  • Development and coordination of the process architecture for a market and customer analysis in China
  • Review and update of the market segmentation
  • Assessment of the market volume, growth and profitability – present and prospectively – for 12 market segments through targeted interviews with company representatives, experts and opinion leaders, sectorial studies and statistical data bases
  • Execution of a cross-industry demand and behavior-oriented customer segmentation
  • Preparation and execution of a online customer survey with approx. 500 contacts of the 150 top customers for the validation of the developed customer segmentation and concretization of the minimum expectations and value creation potentials of each customer segment
  • Evaluation of the competitiveness in relevant market segments
  • Definition of the key market segments and the related customer segments
  • Development of offering packages and value propositions for the key customer segments
  • Development of a Strategy Map for the strategy implementation and target achievement
  • Development of a master plan and a modular architecture for the implementation of the strategic agreements

Innovative customer segmentation in wholesale for fastening and assembly technology

  • Planning and preparation of the process for an innovative customer segmentation
  • Development of behavior- and needs-oriented differentiation criteria for the customer segmentation
  • Planning and execution of an online customer survey for determining the minimum expectation and differentiation potentials of customer groups

Analysis of the company culture

  • Definition of suitable items for a survey via an online platform
  • Employee survey
  • Evaluation and interpretation

Application of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® as part of a Blended Learning concept within the scope of the education of teachers in China

  • Translation and adjustment of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® for the innovative and location independent education and training of teachers in China
  • Translation of the 40 simulations under special consideration of the specific requirements of the Chinese education systems
  • Set-up of an individually designed web-based learning management system with the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® as central training tool as well as additional medial training and communication options
  • Technical and content-wise support of the learning managements systems through online tutors
  • Collection and analysis of the learning process data, including a specifically developed certification system for the documentation of the learning progress and learning success
  • Direct integration of the learning products from the workshops and face-to-face events into the medial learning offer of the Learning Management System within the scope of a Blended Learning concept

Sales development in China

  • Determination of the need for training in the sales team
  • Development of a suitable design
  • Training of more than 100 sales employees
  • Evaluation


Consulting and accompaniment of strategy implementation of a leading family business from the automotive supply industry

  • Consulting of the managing partner and the management team within the strategy implementation
  • Preparation and execution of various strategy workshops with the managing partner and the management team
  • Development of an evaluation tool for investment plans abroad
  • Consulting of the management

Consulting and accompaniment of the global strategy implementation for a business unit in industrial chemistry

  • Elaboration and development of the competency model for the 1st to 3nd management level
  • Preparation, implementation and follow-up of a 360° feedback for approx. 100 management executives in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC; significance analysis of all results
  • Development of a facilitator network in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC within the strategy implementation
  • Development of a competency model for the selection and development of LEAD facilitators and facilitators; supervision and coaching of facilitators, training of LEAD facilitators
  • Planning and implementation of the concept “Base Camp for Facilitators” in EMEA
  • Facilitator workshops in EMEA, NAFTA, APAC
  • Consulting, process support and coaching of the business unit head, single members of the leadership team and the head of strategy implementation
  • Consulting and process support of the global customer segmentation and development of customer segment-oriented Value Propositions based on identified Key Customer Values
  • Concept design and process support for projects aiming at position expansion in target markets and dealing with complexity
  • Regular planning and accompaniment of workshops for strategy implementation review with the leadership team and the head of strategy implementation
  • Execution of a benchmark regarding organizational core competencies of companies that demonstrate an exceptionally successful global innovation strategy; preparation and execution of a workshop for the analysis of benchmarks with the business unit head and selected members of the leadership team
  • Consulting and process support of a global reorganization from a business area logic to a functional logic, including the related communication processes in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Planning and accompaniment of a global strategy review for a business unit with > 2.5 bn sales
  • Elaboration of core competencies for the business unit
  • Elaboration of a strategic positioning in a commoditized market with the focus on the Asia strategy
  • Full review of customer segmentation for EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Accompaniment of a global customer survey for the identification of customer value expectations and the threshold level
  • Elaboration and design of specific Value Propositions for each customer cluster
  • Compilation of 9 offering packages aiming at standardization, cost optimization and quality assurance
  • Planning and accompaniment of the business process optimization based on different offering packages and aiming at quality improvement
  • Review and realignment of the organizational structure
  • Planning and accompaniment of the headquarter relocation from Germany to Asia
  • Consulting regarding the definition and implementation of a reorganization aiming at an optimized market development
  • Elaboration of a strategy map and definition of strategic initiatives
  • Accompaniment of the global strategy implementation
  • Establishment, implementation and accompaniment of a global facilitator network aiming at supporting the strategy implementation
  • Leadership audit for the complete management circle consisting of approx. 200 persons, including facilitated feedback sessions and the design of individual development plans
  • Evaluation of feedback data for the identification of significant personal development needs for the Global Management Circle
  • Consulting of the business unit management as well as of the responsible project manager for the strategy implementation

Planning and consulting of a strategy process in the building material supply industry

  • Agreement on relevant influence factors and related trend assumptions
  • Estimation of the current competitive situation and its future development
  • Derivation, agreement on and assessment of the resulting risks and chances for the company
  • Evaluation of competencies
  • Concretization of strategic challenges regarding the initial situation, further development and the resulting core question

Consulting and accompaniment of a strategy development process for a chemical park

  • Development of a process design for the strategy process
  • Planning and implementation of a strategy review aiming at a change in perspective (from business areas to a broad customer perspective)
  • Focus areas: analysis of the market and competitive situation, elaboration of core competencies, stakeholder analysis, need- and behavior-oriented customer segmentation, derivation of strategic challenges
  • Planning, implementation and follow-up of a process for customer segmentation within the strategy process
  • Preparation, implementation and evaluation of workshops with significant key accounts aiming at the identification of the threshold level and the possibilities of a targeted differentiation as important input for the option development
  • Development and assessment of different options for the future strategic positioning
  • Consulting and accompaniment of option teams
  • Development of a sustainable vision (strategic positioning and objectives)
  • Elaboration of a strategy map and derivation of strategic initiatives
  • Derivation of requirements in regard to an organization that is in line with the strategy based on the vision, especially with the objective of aligning the organization to the targeted customer
  • Elaboration of a reorganization for the purpose of fulfilling organizational requirements
  • Consulting and accompaniment during the implementation of the reorganization follow-ing the approval of the committees, among others implementation of a strategic customer segment management
  • Identification of the organization-specific DNA in preparation for the development of a specific organizational design for a successful strategy implementation
  • Training of internal company development employees regarding the subject of systemic organizational theory

Strategy workshop for the concretization of strategic challenges and objectives in the energy industry

  • Identification of and agreement on the case for action
  • Derivation of strategic challenges and related core questions
  • Agreement on the direction of development (future perspective) and related objectives and key factors
  • Derivation of activities required to reach the objective

Consulting and accompaniment of a medium-sized family-owned business in the electronic supply industry

  • Development of a for the implementation of lean management
  • Planning, execution and evaluation of a workshop with management members for the description of the current situation regarding the collaboration between external managers and managing partners
  • Design development for the elaboration of a future vision for the group of companies from the perspective of the shareholder family
  • Planning of a conclave with all managing partners

Planning and accompaniment of a strategy process in the automotive supply industry

  • Review and evaluation of core competencies
  • Verification “Strategic Challenges”
  • Finalization “Strategic Challenges”
  • In-depth examination of the subject customer segmentation
  • Procedure of derivation & evaluation of strategic options (especially processing the option “Internationalization”)

Production of a PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® as part of the Blended Learning Process within a teacher development process

  • Development and validation of a competence model
  • Consulting in the elaboration of practice cases
  • Support in the development of a script for 40 simulations, including the coach texts
  • Accompaniment of the film production
  • Production of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR®
  • Development and support of a webbased online platform

Consulting regarding the development of a restructuring plan for a family-owned business in the food industry

  • Analysis of documents and concretization of necessary immediate measures
  • Stabilization of the top management
  • Data analysis regarding the subjects market description, solvency and production as well as conceptual preparation for strategy development
  • Identification and evaluation of core competencies
  • Development of a restructuring concept

Development and validation of a job profile for the salespersons of a premium brand in the automotive industry

  • Development of a functional description
  • Development and validation of company- and function-specific competencies for salespersons
  • Identification and validation of the optimum personality profile for salespersons with the focus China
  • Final approval for the global introduction of the job profile

Process consulting and coaching for the internal company development of a public utility company within the strategy process

  • Consulting regarding the design development for the strategy process
  • Introduction into the subject of core competencies
  • Introduction into the subject of customer segmentation
  • Introduction into the identification and description of the significant strategic challenges
  • Introduction into the development and evaluation of strategic options
  • Ongoing review and supervision of work results

Consulting of the executive board of a medium-sized company in the glass industry

  • Development of a functional description, including the optimum personality profile for the candidate
  • Execution of candidate screenings for the function “Head of Production and Engineering”


Consulting and accompaniment of strategy implementation in the automotive supply industry

  • Preparation and execution of various strategy workshops with the managing partner and the management team
  • Development of an evaluation tool for investment plans abroad
  • Consulting of the managemen

Consulting and accompaniment of the global strategy implementation for a business unit in industrial chemistry

  • Elaboration and development of the competency model for the 1st to 3nd management level
  • Preparation, implementation and follow-up of a 360° feedback for approx. 100 management executives in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC; significance analysis of all results
  • Development of a facilitator network in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC within the strategy implementation
  • Development of a competency model for the selection and development of LEAD facilitators and facilitators; supervision and coaching of facilitators, training of LEAD facilitators
  • Planning and implementation of the concept “Base Camp for Facilitators” in EMEA
  • Facilitator workshops in EMEA, NAFTA, APAC
  • Consulting, process support and coaching of the business unit head, single members of the leadership team and the head of strategy implementation
  • Consulting and process support of the global customer segmentation and development of customer segment-oriented Value Propositions based on identified Key Customer Values
  • Concept design and process support for projects aiming at position expansion in target markets and dealing with complexity
  • Regular planning and accompaniment of workshops for strategy implementation review with the leadership team and the head of strategy implementation
  • Execution of a benchmark regarding organizational core competencies of companies that demonstrate an exceptionally successful global innovation strategy; preparation and execution of a workshop for the analysis of benchmarks with the business unit head and selected members of the leadership team
  • Consulting and process support of a global reorganization from a business area logic to a functional logic, including the related communication processes in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Planning and accompaniment of a global strategy review for a business unit with > 2.5 bn sales
  • Elaboration of core competencies for the business unit
  • Elaboration of a strategic positioning in a commoditized market with the focus on the Asia strategy
  • Full review of customer segmentation for EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Accompaniment of a global customer survey for the identification of customer value expectations and the threshold level
  • Elaboration and design of specific Value Propositions for each customer cluster
  • Compilation of 9 offering packages aiming at standardization, cost optimization and quality assurance
  • Planning and accompaniment of the business process optimization based on different offering packages and aiming at quality improvement
  • Review and realignment of the organizational structure
  • Planning and accompaniment of the headquarter relocation from Germany to Asia
  • Consulting regarding the definition and implementation of a reorganization aiming at an optimized market development
  • Elaboration of a strategy map and definition of strategic initiatives
  • Accompaniment of the global strategy implementation
  • Establishment, implementation and accompaniment of a global facilitator network aiming at supporting the strategy implementation
  • Leadership audit for the complete management circle consisting of approx. 200 persons, including facilitated feedback sessions and the design of individual development plans
  • Evaluation of feedback data for the identification of significant personal development needs for the Global Management Circle
  • Consulting of the business unit management as well as of the responsible project manager for the strategy implementatio

Planning and consulting of a strategy process in the building material supply industry

  • Agreement on relevant influence factors and related trend assumptions
  • Estimation of the current competitive situation and its future development
  • Derivation, agreement on and assessment of the resulting risks and chances for the company
  • Evaluation of competencies
  • Concretization of strategic challenges regarding the initial situation, further development and the resulting core question

Consulting and accompaniment of a strategy development process for a chemical park

  • Development of a process design for the strategy process
  • Planning and implementation of a strategy review aiming at a change in perspective (from business areas to a broad customer perspective)
  • Focus areas: analysis of the market and competitive situation, elaboration of core competencies, stakeholder analysis, need- and behavior-oriented customer segmentation, derivation of strategic challenges
  • Planning, implementation and follow-up of a process for customer segmentation within the strategy process
  • Preparation, implementation and evaluation of workshops with significant key accounts aiming at the identification of the threshold level and the possibilities of a targeted differentiation as important input for the option development
  • Development and assessment of different options for the future strategic positioning
  • Consulting and accompaniment of option teams
  • Development of a sustainable vision (strategic positioning and objectives)
  • Elaboration of a strategy map and derivation of strategic initiatives
  • Derivation of requirements in regard to an organization that is in line with the strategy based on the vision, especially with the objective of aligning the organization to the targeted customer
  • Elaboration of a reorganization for the purpose of fulfilling organizational requirements
  • Consulting and accompaniment during the implementation of the reorganization follow-ing the approval of the committees, among others implementation of a strategic customer segment management
  • Identification of the organization-specific DNA in preparation for the development of a specific organizational design for a successful strategy implementation
  • Training of internal company development employees regarding the subject of systemic organizational theory

Strategy workshop for the concretization of strategic challenges and objectives in the energy industry

  • Identification of and agreement on the case for action
  • Derivation of strategic challenges and related core questions
  • Agreement on the direction of development (future perspective) and related objectives and key factors
  • Derivation of activities required to reach the objective

Consulting and accompaniment of a medium-sized family-owned business in the electronic supply industry

  • Development of a for the implementation of lean management
  • Planning, execution and evaluation of a workshop with management members for the description of the current situation regarding the collaboration between external managers and managing partners
  • Design development for the elaboration of a future vision for the group of companies from the perspective of the shareholder family
  • Planning of a conclave with all managing partners

Planning and accompaniment of a strategy process in the automotive supply industry

  • Review and evaluation of core competencies
  • Verification “Strategic Challenges”
  • Finalization “Strategic Challenges”
  • In-depth examination of the subject customer segmentation
  • Procedure of derivation & evaluation of strategic options (especially processing the option “Internationalization”)

Production of a PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR® as part of the Blended Learning Process within a teacher development process

  • Development and validation of a competence model
  • Consulting in the elaboration of practice cases
  • Support in the development of a script for 40 simulations, including the coach texts
  • Accompaniment of the film production
  • Production of the PERFORMANCE SIMULATOR®
  • Development and support of a webbased online platform

Consulting regarding the development of a restructuring plan for a family-owned business in the food industry

  • Analysis of documents and concretization of necessary immediate measures
  • Stabilization of the top management
  • Data analysis regarding the subjects market description, solvency and production as well as conceptual preparation for strategy development
  • Identification and evaluation of core competencies
  • Development of a restructuring concept

Development and validation of a job profile for the salespersons of a premium brand in the automotive industry

  • Development of a functional description
  • Development and validation of company- and function-specific competencies for salespersons
  • Identification and validation of the optimum personality profile for salespersons with the focus China
  • Final approval for the global introduction of the job profile

Process consulting and coaching for the internal company development of a public utility company within the strategy process

  • Consulting regarding the design development for the strategy process
  • Introduction into the subject of core competencies
  • Introduction into the subject of customer segmentation
  • Introduction into the identification and description of the significant strategic challenges
  • Introduction into the development and evaluation of strategic options
  • Ongoing review and supervision of work results

Consulting of the executive board of a medium-sized company in the glass industry

  • Development of a functional description, including the optimum personality profile for the candidate
  • Execution of candidate screenings for the function “Head of Production and Engineering”


Strategically significant leadership competencies

  • Workshop with the management team of a medium-sized company to identify organizational competencies and derive strategically significant leadership competencies for all managers of the company

Strategy implementation

  • Planning and implementation of trainings and qualification measures for a global facilitators network within the strategy implementation

Consulting and accompaniment of a management team in China and Korea

  • Design and execution of a workshop for the development and establishment of a management team
  • Design, execution and consulting of a strategy development process for Korea and China
  • Accompaniment of a HR-process within a headquarter relocation process

Personnel and strategy consulting of a chemical park

  • Execution of a leadership audit on the basis of personality tests, self-evaluation of candidate competencies and a structured interview as well as provision of a report and feedback to the candidate and the management

Consulting of the managing director “Delta Model”

  • Planning and design development of a strategy review for all business areas with the participation of management and key players

Consulting of the strategy process

  • Kick-off event with the core team, consulting and accompaniment of the strategy review as well as preparation, execution and follow-up kick-off meeting

Strategy consulting for a public utility company

  • Execution of a workshop with the management team of a public utility company for the development of urgent strategic actions, coaching of the management regarding the strategy development

Consulting of the replacement of the business unit manager “Finance and Controlling” in a family-owned business

  • Screening of potential candidates for the position “Head of Finance and Controlling” based on personality tests, self-evaluation of candidate competencies and a structured interview; furthermore, provision of a report and feedback to the candidates and the management as well as consulting regarding the selection of a suitable candidate

Leadership Development

  • Execution of workshops for the collection of 360° feedbacks in a medium-sized company
  • Preparation of reports based on personality tests and 360° feedbacks
  • Execution of a global Leadership Development Process for approx. 80 executives in the 2nd and 3rd management level. Design of individual development plans on the basis of the findings
  • Development and execution of individual coaching-programs for single members of the 2nd management level
  • Development and execution of a 100-days-program for a globally operating executive of a NPO based on the results of potential assessment and on the expectations of the supervisor
  • Development and execution of an individual coaching program for the manager of a foundation on the basis of leadership assessment and the upcoming personal challenges
  • Design, execution and consulting of a team development process for the service team of a foundation
  • Conduction of a factor analysis for a strategically valid attribution of 67 leadership competencies to the corporate vision with 4 values
  • Screening of potential candidates for the position “Head of Finance and Controlling” based on personality tests, self-evaluation of candidate competencies and a structured interview; furthermore, provision of a report and feedback to the candidates and the management

Validated job requirement profiles

  • Development of reliable requirement profiles based on online questionnaires with experts for selected functions
  • Development of a functional description for the position “Head of Production and Engineering” based on interviews with the board of directors

Succession in a family-owned business

  • Execution of a potential assessment and consulting of a potential successor of a mediumsized family business

Executive training PPI (Positive Power and Influence®)

  • Training of managers and key players in order to increase their communication competencies in difficult situations, especially in situations where influencing others becomes an important factor


Consulting of and accompaniment during the strategy implementation process of a family-owned company

The following consulting focal points played a role: finalization of the future vision, development of strategy maps and master plans for the two business units, conception of a tool for defining the value proposition

  • Development of an organizational design and implementation of the new management structure
  • Development and implementation of an individual KPI system for monitoring strategy implementation
  • Development and implementation of a concept for ” Leadership in Transformation” as well as a related learning architecture for the transformation process
  • Coaching and process consulting for the management

Consulting and accompaniment of a newly found subsidiary within the context of a joint venture

Consulting of and accompaniment during a sophisticated selection process for an executive position of a newly found subsidiary within the context of a joint venture for a family-owned business, whilst taking the varying interests of two entrepreneurial families into consideration.

Planning, design, and implementation of a strategy review for three business units of a family-owned company involving 45 executives and key players. The following consulting focal points played a role in this process:

  • Elaboration and definition of appropriate routines for a strategy review
  • Training of managers and key-players for the implementation of single process steps within the strategy review
  • Consulting and accompaniment of the entire strategy review process
  • Readjustment of the vision for the future for the vision three business units
  • Elaboration of Strategy Maps and Master Plans
  • Review of the strategic positioning of the holding as well as of the related business activities in order to ensure sustainability
  • Consulting of the managing partner throughout the entire process

Consulting of and accompaniment during of a strategic process within a business unit of a DAX-listed company

The project included the following key consulting areas:

  • Accompaniment of the management team during the elaboration of the master strategy implementation process plan
  • Consulting of the Business Unit Head
  • Consulting and coaching of the project manager responsible for planning and monitoring the strategy implementation
  • Development of an appropriate tool to define the Value Proposition for different customer segments in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Planning and elaboration of an suitable Learning Architecture in preparation for the strategy implementation process
  • Development of the 360° feedback method for a leadership development process based on the company’s values, including a significance analysis of certain leadership competencies. Integration of the leadership process in a Learning Architecture for approximately eighty 1st to 3rd level management executives in EMEA, NAFTA und APAC
  • Planning and accompaniment of corresponding workshops in different divisions as part of the strategy implementation
  • Consulting of and accompaniment during the process for the development of a worldwide facilitator network, aiming to support the communication process within the strategy implementation process

Accompaniment during a factory development process for a family-owned business

Focusing on the following key consulting areas:

  • Development of a suitable organizational design involving the management teams, important key-players and the works council
  • Consulting and coaching of the plant management and of the management team
  • Consulting of and accompaniment during the new organizational structure’s implementation process
  • Preparation and conception of a suitable setting to review security-relevant processes in different plants

Conception and accompaniment of a strategy review

Focusing on the following key consulting areas:

  • Conception of suitable settings and designs of a think-tank to generate ideas for corporate growth based on the given goals
  • Training of facilitators behind the think-tank workshops
  • Development of suitable observation and evaluation patterns for the selection of ideas dealing with corporate growth achievement
  • Consulting, training and coaching of the executive board and the internal project managers

Further Projects realized in 2010

  • Executive Coaching for the chief commercial manager of a family-owned business
  • Support of a fellow consultant company concerning the determination of typology of candidates within a training project
  • Training of managers and key players in order to increase their communication competencies in difficult situations, especially in situations where influencing others becomes an important factor
  • Preparation of and accompaniment during a selection process for an executive function in an internationally operating non-profit organization
  • Consulting of a municipal public utility and accompaniment during a strategy development process on a group level, including four group companies, with the goal of synchronizing the group’s strategies and general objectives.
  • Training of approximately sixty key players within a Learning Architecture in preparation for the independent implementation of the settings within the strategy development process
  • Consulting of corporate management as well as the moderation of the strategy team responsible for corporate strategy
  • Training of executives and key players in increasing their communication skills, especially in situations where they are incapable of influencing others based on their function / position alone


  • Strategy development process for the consortium of a family-owned enterprise in context of succession planning, development of an organizational and leadership structure and establishment of a management team, coaching of the executive board as well as the management team, planning and implementation of a business segment analysis, guidance regarding the development of a KPI-system, design and creation of a strategy guide for the establishment of routines for an annual strategy review, advice and guidance for crisis management
  • Planning and implementation of a strategy review process of a family-owned enterprise, development of a sustainable vision of the future, consulting and coaching of the chief partner, the executive board and the management team in context of the strategy process
  • Conception, planning and guidance of a worldwide transformation process towards Profit Leadership in the industry sector in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC, consulting and coaching of the Leadership Team, leadership assessments and working out of individual development plans for key executives, establishment of a worldwide learning platform supporting the transformation process, conception of a strategy review. Support and guidance in identifying organizational core competencies. Training of strategy facilitators for the implementation of the Profit Leader Strategy worldwide
  • Support with the design and implementation of a new organizational and leadership structure in a delicatessen plant with about 250 employees
  • Further guidance of an ongoing (several years) cross-facilities change and development process to further develop and optimize fault management in production especially by implementing Kaizen events in order to avoid waste in the escalation process
  • Conducting Cultribute Analysis (identification of organizational capabilities) and interviews with key players of the organization in all group companies, creation of a strategy guide for the conduction of the strategy process across the group, design of a Learning Architecture to implement the strategy process across the group involving all executives and additional key players of the organization, planning and accompanying the strategy process at group level
  • Planning and conduction of a strategy review including the development of an architecture to implement the transformation process
  • Development and implementation of a KPI-system for the sales department
  • Consulting of the executive partner in the context of a restructuring on executive level
  • Guidance of a family-owned business regarding strategy implementation
  • Candidate screening for the selection of a suitable business executive in the context of a Start-up
  • Planning and implementation of a Cultribute Analysis as a starting point for a strategy process


  • Accompanying a change in generation to the fourth generation of a 120-year-old family-owned enterprise. The father as chief partner hands over the management to the daughter. Leadership assessment for the business executive, clarification of the leadership structure, development of a suitable structure for the management of the business considering the altered requirements due to the generation change
  • Strategy development of a medium-sized family-owned business in the context of generation change to the second generation. The father hands over the management to the daughter and retires from management. Strategy review, development of options, development of visions of the future considering external influencing factors, the organizational core competencies as well as the strategic challenges for all business segments as well as for the consortium. Consulting of the executive board regarding strategy implementation
  • Consulting of a 120-year-old family-owned enterprise in the context of a generation change as well as of the strategic realignment of the business. Conduction of a strategy review, development of a vision of the future considering external influence factors, the organizational core competencies as well as the strategic challenges. Consulting regarding the development of a master plan for the accomplishment of strategic goals by 2013. Consulting of the executive board as well as of the chief partner concerning matters of Family Governance
  • Consulting and guidance regarding the strategic positioning of a business unit of a German listed group. Development of a strategic guidance paper regarding Profit Leadership in the line of business considering the group’s goals and a very volatile market environment. Conduction of an organizational diagnosis in EMEA, NAFTA and APAC for the planning and implementation of a worldwide transformation process from Market Leader to Profit Leader. Leadership assessment of key managers of the business unit. Planning and guidance of dialog events with managers in all regions. Conduction of a Cultribute Analysis (identification of organizational capabilities). Training of LEAD Facilitators supporting the transformation process. Consulting of the project team responsible for the planning and implementation of the BU strategy and the transformation process. Renewed planning and implementation of a worldwide online survey for the determination of the managers’ and employees’ assessment of the ongoing transformation process
  • Consulting and guidance of a daughter company in a post-merger process. Planning and conduction of a strategy review in all affiliates and for the entire enterprise. Development of a vision of the future for the new company. Consulting of the executive board regarding strategy implementation
  • Consulting and guidance of an almost 300-year-old family-owned enterprise concerning strategic positioning in a downward and highly competitive market. Planning and conduction of a strategic review involving key players of the organization as a novelty for the company. Development and assessment of options for the strategic positioning. Planning and guidance of a transformation process in all German plants in order to avoid escalation events at the lines and the disqualification of approvals of contaminated products. Planning, implementation and guidance of a so called break-through event for the optimization of an important value stream. Consequent advancement of a continuous improvement process in a plant. Training of managers and facilitators, development of a new leadership structure, establishment of continuous improvement routines, preparation of roll-outs for other plants. Consulting of the plant manager and of the plant management team
  • Consulting and guidance of the European facilities of a US listed company regarding the implementation of a competency management system taking into account the group guidelines. Training of personnel facilitators for the implementation of the concept. Implementation of the leadership concept down to the 3¹rd management level at all European sites, training of managers as supporters for the implementation of the concept


  • Start of a strategy review for an over 100-year old family business in the fourth generation
  • Accompaniment of a merger process
  • Execution and evaluation of an online survey in the regions EMEA, NAFTA and APAC as part of a consultation process regarding strategy implementation
  • Training of 40 facilitators for the implementation of a community communication process within the framework of strategy implementation in the regions EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Leadership assessment and coaching of the first management level in the regions EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Development of performance criteria and monitoring for different divisions of the regions EMEA, NAFTA and APAC as part of strategy implementation supervision
  • Development of functional descriptions for the first and second level management in various projects
  • Candidates and applicants screening for the first and second level management in various projects and positions
  • Introduction of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) systems
  • Planning and introduction of 6 S as part of a plant development process
  • Training of multiplications for the introduction of a CI process in a plant
  • Empowerment of management for the planning and implementation of radical transformations
  • Establishment of a value stream management and accompaniment of value stream optimizations
  • Training of over 100 facilitators for the introduction and implementation of a CI (Continuous Improvement) process at different locations
  • Introduction of an Europe-wide leadership process for the first and second level management
  • Training of personnel facilitators for the execution of the leadership process in the third management level
  • Execution of cultribute analyses in different projects
  • Individual coaching of successors within the framework of a generational change in family businesses
  • Development of individual development plans for 34 first and second level managers
  • Consulting regarding the concretization of a plant strategy and its consistent implementation
  • Targeted coaching of management-level executives aligned to the conducted leadership assessmentbased on an established competence model
  • Strategic consulting of the first level management in different projects

Besides our customer projects, all consultants completed an extensive system theoretical training. Additionally, we have been certified as a Performance Consultant and have licenses for the following consultation concepts: Value of Investment, Rapid Competency Profiling and ARP (Authority Responsibility Power).


  • Launch of a leadership process for the company management and the 2nd level management
  • Implementation of a competence model for all employees
  • Execution of a leadership assessments regarding competences, performance and potentials
  • Design of individual development plans
  • Introduction of an innovation tool for establishment of an innovation process
  • Conception and implementation of a support and line leader structure as part of a reorganization for performance improvement at two locations
  • Targeted coaching of company successors as part of a generational change
  • Targeted coaching of executives aligned to the conducted leadership assessment based on an established competence model
  • Accompaniment of a global strategy implementation EMEA, NAFTA and APAC
  • Candidate screening for staffing of the 1st and 2nd management levels
  • Development of KPI systems for the accompaniment of strategy implementation
  • Development of a vision, a strategy map and preparation of a KPI system
  • Facilitators training for the introduction of lean management
  • Development of functional descriptions for filling positions and candidate search based on strategically important competences
  • Consulting regarding strategy implementation based on cultribute analysis results
  • Validation of an implemented competence model for the revision of requirement profiles


  • Candidate assessment for top functions based on our leadership concept
  • Company-wide introduction of our leadership concept
  • Targeted coaching of the 1st and 2nd management level in various organizations
  • Consulting and accompaniment of executives regarding strategy implementation, introduction of strategy maps
  • Introduction of systems for employee review meetings incl. training of all executives
  • Training of more than 100 facilitators in different companies
  • Consulting regarding the implementation of suitable team structures and execution of related training measures
  • Consulting and accompaniment regarding generational change
  • Targeted coaching of company successors as part of generational change
  • Accompaniment of shareholders as part of reorganization
  • Execution of enabler reviews as part of company-wide change processes


The consulting has been focused on the following areas:

  • Strategy Development — Company Succession — Management Support — Company Development — Personnel Potential Analysis — Personnel Development Concepts — Leadership Development — Promotion of Young Talents — Leadership Concepts — Organizational Culture — Career Consulting and Coaching

Following projects has been implemented successfully:

  • Accompaniment of a generational change; coaching of the managing partner and the successor as well as of 1st level executives; consulting regarding the introduction of the concept of an annual employee review meeting; consulting regarding the realignment of a business division; execution of group coaching
  • Accompaniment of a company-wide change process involving all employees for the introduction and implementation of a vision for leadership and collaboration; consulting regarding a concept for the implementation of different types of employee review meetings
  • Training of the 1st and 2nd management level with regards to communicational skills as well as individual coaching of executives
  • Consulting regarding the development of a company strategy as well as process mapping and optimization of crucial business processes; development of a measures catalogue for targeted company strategy implementation
  • Planning and implementation of a 360° feedback for all managers
  • 360° feedback for a high potential and design of an individual development plan
  • Introduction and accompaniment of a company-wide development process using lean principles and the Balanced Scorecard; training of all executives and employees; implementation of a facilitator concept and coaching of executive


Focus of consulting on the following topics aiming at competence development:

  • Strategy development, company succession, potential analysis, personnel development, company development, organizational culture, coaching, rating advisory
  • Introduction and accompaniment of a company-wide development process using lean principles and the Balanced Scorecard; training of all executives and employees; implementation of a facilitator concept and coaching of executives
  • Introduction of the leadership concept at the SCHREINER Group, Oberschleißheim
  • Strategy development for the RAPS Group, Kulmbach
  • Accompaniment of a generational change at the IBG Group, Rendsburg
  • Introduction of an annual employee review meeting as well as targeted communication training for 1stand 2nd level executives at Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.), Hamburg
  • Performance assessment according to the Basel II criteria at ddm hopt + schuler GmbH & Co. KG, Rottweil
  • Targeted consultant training for the GMC Glasow Management Consulting GmbH, Hamburg
  • Coaching as part of structural development of BAYER AG, Leverkusen
  • Project implementation “Procurement Management” for the IBG Group, Rendsburg
  • Coaching of selected high potentials and high performers for different clients


  • Successful establishment of the S&P Consulting brand on the market
  • Further development of the leadership concept for targeted competence development
  • Design of a personnel development concept for Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.), Hamburg
  • Coaching of selected high potentials and high performers of Carl Kühne KG (GmbH & Co.), Hamburg
  • Start of a project for the realization of existing savings potentials for the IBG Group, Rendsburg
  • Potential analysis for executives at Bayer AG, Leverkusen
  • Business plan development for Siemens Telekommunikation Service GmbH & Co. OHG
  • Business plan development for Miebach Logistik Holding GmbH, Frankfurt
  • Targeted executive training as part of a repositioning


  • Decision regarding the renaming of integra development BDU to S&P Consulting Unternehmensberatung (BDU)
  • Realignment of the offering portfolio based on a nationwide company survey
  • Accompaniment of a generational change at Baerlocher GmbH, Munich
  • Accompaniment of a generational change at Miebach Logistik, Frankfurt
  • Continuation of executive development at MDL, Saarstedt
  • Continuation of personnel development measures at Wella AG, Darmstadt, in the area of applications technology AWH


  • Opening of the integra Consulting and Training Center in Ahrensburg
  • Planning and implementation of the reorganization for Baerlocher GmbH
  • Development of a company structure as part of the IPO for RIB AG
  • Preparation of a generational change at Gruber Landtechnik KG
  • Presentation on the topic of “Intercultural Management” at the ISPI Congress in Cincinnati
  • Intercultural Workshop for CManagement Corporation in Fishkill, New York
  • Leadership potential analysis at MUK Logistik GmbH, Munich
  • Continuation of the projects for Baerlocher und Gummiwerk Kraiburg
  • Leadership development at MDL, Saarstedt
  • Execution of presentation trainings at Metro AG, Cologne
  • Further development of the concept personality development


  • Purchase of a property in Ahrensburg and planning of reconstruction into integra Consulting and Training Center
  • Accompaniment of the company cooperation tcs-Siemens
  • Leadership potential analysis at Transthermos GmbH
  • Leadership development for all 1st and 2nd level managers at Edelhoff Umweltservice GmbH & Co KG
  • Leadership development for GRV GmbH, Ludwigsfelde
  • Introduction of project management at Baerlocher GmbH und Gummiwerk Kraiburg Austria
  • Execution of a project for efficiency improvement of customer support SONY Deutschland GmbH
  • Accompaniment of the generational change at Gummiwerk Kraiburg GmbH & Co., Waldkraiburg
  • Evaluation study for Berlin State Statistical Office
  • Concept development intercultural management – German/French
  • Project for the acceleration of the product development process for the Japanese market for Wella AG
  • Initiation and accompaniment of the development of a corporate vision for Wella AG
  • Accompaniment of the launch of Supply Chain Management at Wella Ondal, Hünfeld
  • Continuation of the change management project at Bayer AG up to the execution of a status day
  • Execution of presentation training at Metro AG, Cologne
  • Continuation of the systemic further training and supervision


  • Process mapping and analysis “Pallet Organization” at Transthermos GmbH, Munich
  • Restructuring of the production in Italy and accompaniment of the change management process, Baerlocher GmbH Lodi
  • Conflict management in two operation areas, Bayer AG
  • Accompaniment as part of succession process among the managers of BFI GmbH, Düsseldorf
  • Execution of sales trainings “From energy distributor to energy service provider”, Elektromark AG
  • Accompaniment of a generational change among managers and shareholders of Gummiwerk Kraiburg GmbH, Waldkraiburg
  • Execution of sales trainings “From seller to problem solver”, Geologistics GmbH, Hamburg
  • Optimization of internal communication, Karl Engelhardt GmbH & Co., Frankfurt
  • Merging different organizational cultures; team development and improvement of communication, Océ Deutschland GmbH
  • Introduction of project management, Ringfoto GmbH & Co.
  • Accompaniment of a cooperation; bringing together two development teams, Siemens AG
  • Sales development as part of an European change management process, Sony Deutschland GmbH
  • Restructuring of sales, development and service as part of a cooperation with Siemens AG, tcs GmbH
  • Merging scientific (R&D) with a creative dynamic (marketing) culture, Wella AG Darmstadt


  • Starting a multiannual further training and supervision with systemic orientation
  • Starting change management projects at well-known software companies
  • Pilot project in a business division of Wella AG, Darmstadt and Ringfoto GmbH & Co., Nurnberg
  • Building a network with partners in European foreign countries
  • Further accompaniment of the projects at Degussa, Baerlocher and the WLZ
  • Execution of personnel development measures for executives of BSB Birkel-Sonnen-Bassermann GmbH, Weinstadt-Endersbach


  • Development of a new concept for the impetus and accompaniment of change processes in organizations under the title “Integrated Management”
  • Film production for the concept “Integrated Management”
  • Continuation of the projects at Degussa, Baerlocher and the WLZ


  • Contract extension at Degussa AG to all chemical business divisions
  • Execution of international management trainings and training of multipliers as part of TQM at Degussa AG in English, Italian, French, Flemish and Dutch
  • Introduction of TQM at WLZ Raiffeisen AG, Stuttgart and at Baerlocher GmbH, Munich


  • Introduction of TQM in a business division at Henkel KGaA
  • TQM pilot project in a business division at Degussa AG, Frankfurt/Main
  • Introduction of TQM tools at the Berlin State Statistical Office
  • Execution of management and multiplier trainings “Quality and Excellence” at OMEGA SA, CH-Biel
  • Accompaniment of process optimization as part of the TQM introduction at ComputNet Computer AG, Kerpen-Sindorf


  • Accompaniment and execution of the project process “Inventory and Logistics” at Porst AG, Schwabach
  • Execution of management and employee trainings as well as training of multipliers as part of the TQM introduction at CompuNet Computer AG, Kerpen-Sindorf

TQM introduction among others at:

  • Rhenus AG, Frankfurt/Main
  • Max Sebold GmbH, Aschaffenburg
  • Howmedica GmbH, Schönkirchen, Kiel
  • OMEGA SA, CH-Biel


  • Leadership development for all 1st and 2nd level executives at McDonald’s Deutschland GmbH
  • Rebranding in Consulting Company for Personnel and Organizational Development
  • Acquisition of the first TQM projects
  • Accompaniment and preparation regarding the implementation of a quality management system (certification ISO 9001), Meistermarken-Werke GmbH, Bremen


  • Execution of the training program “Quality as a Process” in the three busi-ness divisions of the BASF AG in Ludwigshafen for awareness-raising in the run-up to the ISO certification
  • Bringing together two different organizational cultures as part of a merger of Siemens AG, business division DI and Nixdorf AG


  • Execution of leadership and communication trainings for Siemens AG
  • Linking of sales and leadership development at Stellram GmbH


  • Formation as a Consulting Company for Personnel Development


  • Diverse projects in the areas sales and communicational development
  • Close cooperation with the BRATT-Institut für Neues Lernen


  • Registration of the consulting company Robert A. Sedlák as a service-providing business
  • Management consultant
  • Diverse projects in the areas of sales and communication development
  • Close cooperation with the BRATT-Institut für Neues Lernen