Management Coaching
Our management coaching offers you an innovative setting to increase your own performance – in line with your individual self-image and your personal motivation structure.
Managers are often under enormous pressure to cope with professional and personal challenges alike and to meet their own and other people’s expectations. Our management coaching helps managers use resources effectively.

Focus on solutions and existing resources
Instead of spending a lot of time and effort on the past and dealing with existing problems, management coaching focuses on mobilizing your own resources and reconciling your cognitive and emotional goals.
We understand resources to include Mobile and stationary reminders, the inclusion of one’s own social network in the process, but also knowledge of the interactions between body and psyche (“Embodiment”) and the detection of early warning signals, for example to prevent burnout and exhaustion.
Our management coaching increases the options for realization
Trans efficiency
Already after completing the first coaching topic, the development of a motivating goal, you can transfer the methodology to your professional and private everyday life – and thus quickly register the first experiences of success. The generally formulated goals keep their validity and trend-setting character over a long period of time and trigger the striving for the realization of projects and tasks.
Significant increase in target achievement
Overall, it has been shown that the degree of target achievement among those who have completed our Management Coaching has increased significantly compared to Management-by-Objective (MbO) targets (Huwlyer 2009). The return on investment is above average compared to other methods. In addition, previous coachees describe the process as joyous and with a high self-motivation factor
High personal identification
Our management coaching leads to a high personal identification. This is ensured, among other things, by the verification of the selected goals, using positive somatic markers. Somatic markers are part of the physical signaling system that helps people make decisions. They fall back on the emotional experience memory of a person, in which all experiences of an individual are linked and stored with feelings and sensations. (See Storch & Krause, 2007, p. 169 f.)
Elements of management coaching
After order clarifying, our management coaching works as follows:
- Working out the relevant topic and the associated emotional needs
- Development of a motivating goal
- Neural anchorage of the target image
- Preparation for implementation
- Planning the establishment of the keeping goal in everyday life
- Preparation for possible crisis situations / conflicting goals
- Implementation of the progress reflection
- Final discussion and prospect of implementation in the next weeks

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